Site optimization at the development stage

Pavel Boychenko
Pavel Boychenko
06 Jan 2021
1804 просмотра
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Site optimization at the development stage

Nowadays, it is simply impossible to develop a high-quality website without the help of programmers and testers. What do users value the most? Of course, a user-friendly interface. It is the programmers who develop every little thing.

Seo optimization of a new site will save you time and money. At the same time, it ensures the successful promotion of a new project. Optimization of the new site is necessary so that initially everything goes right and there are no further problems. SEO optimization of a new site is the search engine optimization of a new site, which is basic. Using it at the stage of project development, you will get a quality product at the output. After that, you are engaged in its promotion and advertising settings. To achieve the desired goal, we recommend that you seek the help of an SEO specialist.

If you are just going to create a new site, we strongly recommend that you read the article «How to start developing a site??». There you can learn about all the nuances, and get the right advice.

Site optimization at the development stage - why is it needed?

When the time comes to launch the resource, you will understand that site optimization at the development stage is a necessary and very useful thing. As a result, you will get many advantages, since the site will already be optimized for search engines and their requirements.

  • Firstly, the growth rate of the position and targeted traffic will increase significantly. This is due to the fact that the resource will stay in the sandbox for a small amount of time.
  • Secondly, you will save time. Since seo site improvements allow you not to waste time on basic optimization. For the same reason, you save your budget.
  • Thirdly, you will be able to see the first income much faster. This comes from the first advantage.

In our realities, the optimizer is not limited to working on technical improvements and compiling semantics. Its scope is becoming much wider. Now the main purpose of SEO is to increase the importance and attractiveness of the resource for the target audience.

Seo improvements of the site not only affect the increase in the number of transitions from search to the website, but also force consumers to stay on the site as long as possible and take certain actions. This topic is especially relevant for different brands and stores. To better understand this topic, read the article: «Online store optimization from A to Z».

SEO site optimization at the development stage

Basic optimization - what is it?

Basic optimization is a set of measures that will prepare the site for further promotion. It will help your site rank at the top of the search engine. Targeted traffic will also increase.

What does basic optimization give:

  • Saves money. Once, by fixing problems in the operation of the resource, you can see the changes. The visibility of the site will certainly improve.
  • You will see results in a couple of weeks.
  • Simplifies the further promotion of sites.

Who needs basic optimization?

  • running sites
  • those projects that are already more than six months old and they do not bring traffic
  • if there are no large funds to carry out comprehensive promotion
  • if you are limited in time and want to see the result as soon as possible
  • new projects
  • if you want to promote yourself

Stages of basic optimization

SEO at the site development stage

Analytics stage

When developing a website, the foundation is the study of the target audience. Without this, there is no point in continuing to work.

The specialist must study in detail the scope and the main needs of clients in it. It is important to understand the relevance of your product in this area. You need a complete analysis of your competitors. It may be that by entering a desired query in a search engine, such as yours, consumers will stumble upon a small number of sites. Only yours can stand out among them. Then it is not at all difficult to take a leading position.

But, there is another alignment of events. In order not to miss your place in the top among the sites, you need to constantly improve. Come up with new ideas, adapt your project to the needs of the consumer, improve the design and work on the look. Of course, in this case, you must be prepared financially.

Don't forget to learn something new. You can always look at some interesting chips from your colleagues. But do not abuse it, invent something of your own, unique.

Formation of the semantic core

The most essential goal of the optimizer is to cover as many search queries as possible. For this, a complete semantic core is formed. The most important thing is to group all requests on a specific topic, and not just collect them in a chaotic way.

Also think about how to distribute them so that the client can find specific content. To understand what keywords and queries are, you need to read the article «Search Queries - A Tool in SEO Website Promotion».

At this stage, you need to consider that:

  • adding to the core, in addition to high-frequency phrases, also mid-frequency and low-frequency ones, it will be easier for you to take a leading position;
  • you need to add phrases to the core only on your topic;
  • for a commercial project, the phrases should be the same. For example, for a scientific project, only scientific phrases;

Structure optimization

After we have collected the necessary information about competitors, grouped key phrases, it's time to start developing the site structure. When thinking about the structure, remember that the most important thing is user convenience. He should be comfortable and understandable on the site. Think carefully about site navigation.

In the process of developing the structure, do not forget that each group of phrases should have a landing page. Pay attention to the fact that there is room for further replenishment of the structure.

Technical optimization

If you are a regular user, then most likely you have never noticed any technical errors on the site. Often such shortcomings are not noticed by specialists during testing.

To ensure that this situation does not affect the high positions of the site, you need to ensure the technical optimization of your product. It implies carrying out checks on a regular basis and drawing up terms of reference (TOR) for specialists, namely for programmers.

To maintain the popularity of the site, it is also important to produce external optimization. To learn more about this topic, we recommend that you study the article «External Website Optimization».

Works with text content

Working with text and content is an integral part of SEO work. This affects the behavior of users on the site.

The specialist is engaged in the preparation of technical specifications for the author of the text. He needs to consider a few things:

  • user intent. The text should carry useful information in a format convenient for the client.
  • text task. Any content has a specific purpose and purpose. This may be to sell a product, or simply to inform readers.
  • key phrases.
  • technical requirements. This includes text analysis and checking it for uniqueness, water content, errors and keys.

If you deal with the text right away at the site development stage, you will be able to save time in the future.

Registration and configuration of the webmaster and analytics system

At this stage, all the work on the internal and technical configuration is completed. This means that the site can be torn off for indexing.

After that, external optimization is performed.

SEO recommendations for website development

  • Here are seo guidelines that will help you create a quality website.
  • Check the project for broken links. They have every chance of harming your site, so it's best to remove or fix them.
  • External links. You need to get rid of them as much as possible, as they lead to other sites. Because of this, users can get to a competitor’s link instead of your site. The main thing is that such links are approved by the administrator.
  • Check page loading speed. If it is low, users may simply close the site without even looking at it.
  • Adapt the site to the mobile version of the browser.
  • For the convenience of users, create a sitemap and place a link to it.
  • For content, it is better to use only one h1 heading.
  • Website promotion is carried out with the help of external optimization.

The optimizer must interact with the development team throughout the process of creating a new project. For example, at the design stage, a specialist should pay special attention to the formation of the site structure.

In creating a design, the optimizer must check the layouts. This is an important point, since you need to count on the placement of additional content, for which there should be a place.

Test the resource and make sure it works. A comprehensive check will ensure the quality of the subsequent stages.

Website development Kyiv - turnkey development in Ukraine

Website development – is a responsible mission that can only be entrusted to professionals. If you need to create a website for a company, an online store or sell one product, then we know who the real pro is in this. Web studio in Kyiv – Megasite works in many directions. The best web studio, that knows what it is:

  • site promotion. Methods and best channels.
  • seo promotion. All fast and high-quality ways to promote your site are known by the company's specialists.
  • seo optimization.
  • site optimization at the creation stage and why it is needed.


So what does site optimization during development include? Website optimization is conditionally divided into 2 groups. The first is internal, and the second is external, which involves building up the reference mass.

Why optimize a site during development? In order for as many people as possible to go from search to your site. In order for users to want to perform certain actions. For example, make purchases, orders, calls, write SMS and so on.

If you are still wondering if you need site optimization during development, our answer is a resounding YES!

Website optimization at the stage of creation facilitates and stimulates the growth of its popularity in the future. It also saves your budget, resources and time. Since this process is very responsible, it is better to trust experienced professionals who know all the tricks and requirements. It is for this reason that it is best to order a website from Megasite.

For more than 10 years, the company has been creating projects for small and large enterprises. The main activity is aimed at developing 3 types of projects. The first one is online stores, the second one is corporate websites, and the third one is landing page. Our task is to make your project the best in its category.

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