Mikhail Kolmykov

Mikhail Kolmykov

Team Lead
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Web Ukrainian version of the site: how to create a UKR version for your site 23 Jul 2021 1719 Ukrainian version of the site: how to create a UKR version for your site The bill on the operation of the Ukrainian language as the state language applies to all areas and industries, including online publications. Many online companies prefer to fill their pages with Russian-language content, considering the choice to be their own business. In such cases, there must be a Ukrainian version of the site. Web Stages of website development from A to Z 15 Feb 2021 3267 Stages of website development from A to Z Regardless of how large and informative the site will be, it is necessary to competently and responsibly treat its creation. Website Development Stages The initial stages involve planning and defining a strategy. It is also necessary to pay attention to additional features of web programming. Therefore, for a successful and effective result in the form of a quality page, it is worth considering all the stages and stages of website development. Web Website development concept 16 Dec 2020 2383 Website development concept Creating a corporate website is a lengthy process consisting of several stages, without which it is unlikely that a worthy product will be made. Web Website layout - what is it and why is it needed? 09 Dec 2020 2236 Website layout - what is it and why is it needed? Answering the question "what is website layout?" It is worth mentioning the history of this concept. Initially, it was applied to publishing and journalistic activities. Web How to start website development? 24 Sep 2020 2345 How to start website development? Website development is a set of actions aimed at creating a web project in order to develop your own business. This task must be done by professional craftsmen. After all, it is not an easy task. If you do not know how to start developing a site, contact MEGASITE specialists. Web Website development in Ukraine - what is the real cost? 11 Sep 2020 2219 Website development in Ukraine - what is the real cost? Nowadays, every self-respecting company owns its own web resource. And if the business has been opened recently, it is advisable to create a website for an online store or a business card website as soon as possible. Web Quickly create an online store - is it possible? 07 Jul 2020 1665 Quickly create an online store - is it possible? Every entrepreneur at the beginning of business development dreams of quick profits. But for this you need to do a lot: draw up a plan, evaluate competitors, think over the assortment, design the page, attract customers. If you want to quickly create an online store, contact the specialists of the MEGASITE web studio. Web The cost of creating an online store in Ukraine and factors that affect the price 30 Jun 2020 1422 The cost of creating an online store in Ukraine and factors that affect the price There are two particularly popular types of technologies that are used when creating an online store from zCommerce.com.ua. This is designing on CMS and Framework. Web Development of a corporate website begins with a technical task 10 Jun 2020 1473 Development of a corporate website begins with a technical task On the Internet, there are a huge number of all kinds of sites that differ in thematic focus, design, purpose. Each organization has its own website on the global network. With its help, the capabilities of companies are expanding. But only if the tasks of the corporate site are formulated correctly. MegaSite web studio specialists guarantee a competent approach to business, high quality work. Web How does Landing Page development begin? 10 Jun 2020 1850 How does Landing Page development begin? Landing is considered the first tool of marketing communications. All start-up entrepreneurs think about its creation. It is impossible to make it qualitatively without the help of professionals. Turning to the MegaSite web studio, you will not only learn how to start creating a landing page, but also how to interact with visitors through your new site. You can order it from highly qualified specialists at a bargain price.
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