Website development on Wordpress

26 Jul 2021
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Website development on Wordpress

Website development on WP

WORDPRESS is recognized as the simplest and at the same time functional content management system. It is chosen by both beginners and experienced WEB-masters. Creating a website on WORDPRESS with a full set of all parameters requires certain technical knowledge and skills, so in order for the resource to work, it is better to turn to professionals.

What made WORDPRESS popular?

Initially, the platform was conceived for blogs. An easy-to-use site on WORDPRESS was created by everyone in Kyiv and shared news on it. The system owes a large number of users to open source, to which any programmer had free access. Individual widgets and plug-ins were prescribed on the site, which gradually expanded the functionality of WORDPRESS. Over time, the resource ceased to be considered exclusively blogging. With the help of this CMS, you can develop a website in Ukraine for any topic.

The popularity of WORDPRESS is explained by its user-friendly interface and great features. To freely work with the site, just log in to the admin panel and familiarize yourself with the interface. Even a novice user will understand the program on an intuitive level, and if there are still difficulties in working, GOOGLE will always help. There is enough material on the net where you can find detailed information on the relative work with various tools.

I am significantly expanding the functionality of the plugins, thanks to which you can create a site on WORDPRESS as the simplest on one page, as well as a full-fledged online store with a large assortment of goods. The interface for placing content is practically the same as MIKROSOFT WORD.

Website development on Wordpress in Kiev, Ukraine

Advantages of WordPress

Turnkey website development on WORDPRESS is a common service provided by our WEB-studio in Kyiv. The program has many advantages that are appreciated by users.

The platform is free. Thanks to open access to the code, the program provides free software. You need to pay only for the domain and hosting, which provides for the storage of files on the site.

Easy installation. Set up in a few clicks. If new updates are released, the program reports them and offers to accept them.

Easy control. To perform daily tasks, it is not necessary to know programming, content placement is performed similarly to working with Word documents.

Clear interface. All actions on the site are easy to carry out, focusing on the name of the buttons.

Templates for different sites. When developing sites on WORDPRESS, you can use ready-made themes for various resources for free, templates are prepared for any line of business. if you need a unique design, experienced designers are separately involved in the work. Additional services of professionals will affect the formation of the final price of creating a site on WORDPRESS.

Flexible settings. WORDPRESS site owners have access to dozens of plug-ins that can be used to solve various technical problems and expand the functionality of a WEB page.

SEO focus. Modern business requires constant work on SEO. The WORDPRESS platform is ready for this. To promote sites on WP, there are plugins, such as Yoast SEO. They are designed to create xml-maps, placing keywords in just a couple of clicks, as well as placing meta tags.

Ability to work on different devices. The program preserves the beauty and convenience of the resource when working on any device. When creating a design, you can go to the mobile version and see how users will see the site.

Creating websites on Wordpess in Kiev, Ukraine

What sites is WORDPRESS suitable for?

Despite the fact that the program is not complicated and very convenient, and on the net you can find a lot of information on how to make a website on WORDPRESS yourself, it is better to entrust the development to professionals. Thanks to the wide possibilities of CMS, you can develop any WEB resource.

There are many parameters that determine the price of developing a site on WORDPRESS and the effectiveness of the resource. It all depends on the functionality that is needed when working. In most cases, CMS capabilities are sufficient, since not all users need complex settings. Specialists carry out individual calculations for each customer. Creating sites in Ukraine on WORDPRESS allows the customer to get a WEB resource that best suits his wishes.

The most common sites on WORDPRESS:

  1. Business card site. A resource of one or more pages containing a company description and contact information for feedback. Navigation and catalog are absent in this variant.
  2. Corporate website. Functional multi-page WEB-resource, which contains useful information about the company. It is created in order to reveal the advantages of the company and attract new partners for business development.
  3. Online store. Virtual counter with a product catalog. The site has functions that allow you to select a product, place an order, and make a payment. Having your own online store eliminates the need to pay for the rent of a real retail space and promotes business development.
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