The flip side of SEO

Pavel Boychenko
Pavel Boychenko
12 Nov 2020
1478 просмотров
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The flip side of SEO

Speaking about SEO-promotion of the site in general, there are three main points:

  • development of unique and useful content;
  • link building;
  • technical type optimization.

There are many promotion strategies. But not all of them are ideal. Some of them can nullify all your efforts. They are worth knowing about. This is what we will talk about today.

SEO is an ongoing process

Having decided that you cannot do without SEO promotion you should clearly define for yourself that there is no finish line in this business. The update must be carried out on an ongoing basis.

Wherever you turn, no matter what highly qualified specialists you hire, you should understand that in any case there will be negative consequences from the activities carried out:

  • actions of competitors that change market conditions;
  • new algorithms;
  • other moments.

Simply put, SEO-promotion is like playing sports. If you don't train, your competitors are guaranteed to get ahead of you.

Technical errors and choice of CMS

If there are errors of a technical type, all the work done can be reduced to zero. Therefore, if you decide to make even the most minor changes, the programmer should definitely consult with an SEO specialist. It is always worth doing site backups, use version control systems such as GIT in your work.

To eliminate possible errors in the promotion, or at least minimize them, you must first choose the right platform on which the website will work in the future. The possibility of introducing different functions depends on how seriously you approach the solution of the task.

Most of the engines of modern production are equipped with various SEO modules. But not all of this list is convenient in solving problems. In addition, there are tasks that modules are simply too tough for. Especially if the user chooses a custom platform when developing the site.

To exclude technical errors of the site, please note that third-party web resources will be present on your page. At the same time, it is important to calculate how their presence will be reflected in the SEO optimization process itself.

Choosing a CMS site for the best promotion

SEO is like playing roulette

When ranking a site, Google is guided by many factors. As the employees of the company with the identical name assure, they themselves cannot say for sure how the search engine works. Search engine algorithms (most of them) are based on artificial intelligence, machine-type learning. Experienced SEOs know this very well. Therefore, they often develop several websites on the same topic at the same time. They believe that this way you can quickly get to the TOP in a certain niche. But why does this happen?

Even with the choice of two sites related to the same topic, having a single optimization strategy, performing identical actions, the result of both websites can be radically different. At what, someone can be very lucky, but someone not so much. That is why some experts assure that SEO is a game of roulette. You never know if you will be lucky today or not.

If you are just launching the site, you should not immediately expect some sky-high results. It will take time to develop it. It is important to study all the special moments, to enable the search engine to collect all the necessary data about the website. This is the only way you will get an excellent ranking.

If you want to learn more, read our article on off-page website optimization.

Search engine algorithm updates

Every day, the algorithm of the search engine changes somewhat. Every year there are updates on a more global scale. Such events can significantly affect the result of issuing a search engine. What was an ideal solution yesterday may not be useful at all today.

To find out what the position of the website is, whether it has changed and in what direction, you need to constantly monitor it. For this, special position monitoring services are used. Moreover, they must be compared with the release date of search engine updates. The main task in this case is a quick response and the adoption of effective measures.

Risks in SEO


Having decided to order an online store,many believe that for its promotion it will be quite enough to contact an SEO specialist and allocate him funds for eternal links. But this is far from true. With this approach, he will never get into the TOP.

In some cases, the website requires the involvement of related specialists. To create a highly effective, high-quality online store, business card site, you will need:

  • strategists;
  • copywriters;
  • programmers;
  • typesetters;
  • SEO specialists;
  • designers.

As a rule, it is better to contact a professional agency than to select specialists on your own. Indeed, in the first case, they work in a team, which is much more effective than working alone.

The best web studio MegaSite offers you the services of its highly qualified specialists. In the state, she gathered professionals in their field who know exactly how to make your website the best.

Teamwork in SEO promotion

Negative actions from competitors

Each site wants to enter the TOP. Therefore, in a competitive environment, a variety of methods can be used to reduce the position of the enemy. There is always a risk of promotion. Consider the most common of the black methods.

DDOS attack - provides for the maximum load on the website. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of viruses simultaneously visit the page, which loads the server on an ongoing basis. As a result, it stops responding to requests, generally falls. Restoration work should begin as early as possible.

For starters, you can choose hosting with more reliable protection against DDOS. Cheap providers immediately disable the account with minor loads, to say nothing of DDOS. is allowed

Content theft is the second "black" method. It is not enough to develop a good link strategy. It is worth taking care of protecting your unique texts. After all, they can be stolen manually or automated using scripts and bots. If Google indexes your content on a third-party site first, that website will be the original source. Not yours.

To avoid such situations, experts recommend adding pages for indexing using the Search Console.

There are a number of actions that can be taken to verify the origin of the content. Copy a line of text from your website, paste it into the Google search bar. In this case, you need to put in quotation marks "here is your text." The site that will be located higher in the issuance, as a rule, will be considered the primary source.

Link spam is a fairly popular way to lower a competitor's position. Very often, when building links, the user does not notice how he misses unverified transitions to the website. They are usually from irrelevant sites, which is negatively reflected in the position of your resource.

If you notice that an online store has lost its place in the TOP, it is recommended to use a backlink rejection tool.

Resource hacking - this can happen with any business card site, catalog or landing page. Be careful and careful when choosing a CMS. Especially the most popular ones. Attackers will definitely find weaknesses and redirect traffic to another site, install end-to-end links.

Mistakes in SEO promotion strategy

It often happens that with a significant immersion in the client's business, the pursuit of traffic, the owners of a web resource forget about the most important thing. It is strictly forbidden to oversaturate the site with various content, links. And there are quite a few of them:

  • crowd links;
  • rental links;
  • profile links.

Website promotion or marketplace promotion requires a different approach. In addition, even resources that are similar in subject matter can have significant differences.

Let's take the topic "Musical Instruments" as an example. Based on the cost of each of them, a specific optimization strategy will be developed. It directly depends on the specifics of the target audience.

Simple amateurs, as a rule, look for the right tool using general queries. Professional musicians clearly know what they need. If the owner of the resource is chasing traffic, it is quite real to waste the budget that was allocated for promotion.


When it comes to SEO, there are a lot of things to consider. Choosing a contractor, building up a link mass - all this will ultimately affect the efficiency of the resource, its position in the TOP.

Despite the risks that exist when performing SEO promotion, this remains the most accessible channel for attracting traffic. Therefore, be careful and careful. Develop a quality link strategy that won't just work. Which will improve your resource.

If you are interested in website promotion, contact trusted organizations. In the list of the first - web-studio MegaSite. To order a website in Kyiv, leave a request on the website or by phone. The manager will advise you, make the necessary calculations of the cost of services, and organize high-quality promotion of the web resource.

Web studio in Kyiv MegaSite – we work for you.

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