How long does it take to SEO-promote a website

Pavel Boychenko
Pavel Boychenko
11 Dec 2023
460 просмотров
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How long does it take to SEO-promote a website

If you are considering promoting your website with SEO, you most likely want to understand the time frame in which this tool will bring results. In this article, we'll talk about how long it takes to promote a website on Google, and what factors can affect the timeline.

How quickly can you bring the site to the top?

When starting to promote, it is worth understanding that counting on fast results is to make a strategic mistake. The terms of site promotion with SEO can not take a few weeks or a month, as it is a long process that has an accumulative effect.

How long does it take to promote a website with SEO? To get the first results, on average, it will take 2-4 months. However, during this time, a website or online store can be brought to the top only for some, not the most competitive queries. If we are talking about more significant indicators, they can be observed only after 7-8 months of work. However, in the most competitive niches the process of website promotion can take more time.

The same terms we call and for those who are interested in how much time is spent specifically on the promotion of the store. In this case, it all depends on the competition in the niche and how strong are the sites in the top of the output. In particular, our studio is engaged in the promotion of online stores both in Ukraine and on the international market. Therefore, when evaluating your project, we will give realistic deadlines based on our experience.

"Playing long" often becomes a deciding factor not in favor of this tool. When business owners understand how much time it takes to promote a website, they abandon SEO-promotion in favor of faster methods.

However, here it is worth understanding the advantage of search engine optimization over other tools - even after the termination of the work of an SEO specialist, your resource will be kept in the top and receive targeted traffic for a long time. Agree that not all methods of promotion can give the same result.

What factors affect the speed of SEO-promotion

The speed of website promotion depends on many factors:

  • the sphere of business - the more competitors, the more difficult the task is for the SEO-specialist. But it works in the opposite direction: the lower the competition or in the top are "weak" sites, the less time it will take to take the first positions in the output;
  • age of the domain - if the website is still young, then search engines will not let him so easily go to the top. The older the domain is, the more trustworthy it is;
  • budget for site promotion - if it is very limited, the business will not be able to afford an experienced SEO-specialist who will be able to give a good result. In addition, because of the small budget may suffer from the quality of content and other areas that are also important for successful promotion;
  • the initial state of the resource - much depends on the available structure, correct or incorrect HTTPS, slow loading pages, etc. There are mistakes that are quite easy to fix. But there are websites that need global fixes.

Also to the factors that affect how long it takes to SEO-promote a website, it is worth attributing the convenience of interaction with the website, the presence of a mobile version, region promotion and so on.

The team of IT-company MEGASITE initially develops sites that do not require modifications before the launch of SEO, and pays special attention to the correctness of the structure, ease of navigation, adaptation to different screens. We also provide SEO-promotion services for both in-house developed sites and projects from other studios.

How long it takes to SEO-promote a website in Google

What stages does SEO-promotion consist of?

To understand how much time is needed to promote the site, it is necessary to understand the principles of work and the main stages.

First of all, everything begins with the development of a promotion strategy. Here, the owner of the website together with the SEO-specialist outline the result that needs to be achieved - this is the increase in traffic, and retention of positions in Google, and the growth of traffic on individual keywords.

Stages of SEO-promotion of the Internet resource:

  1. Analysis of the niche and competitors, technical audit. This includes analyzing sites that are already in the top of the output; visibility on low-frequency, medium-frequency and high-frequency keywords; analyzing the link profile and so on.
  2. Collection and clustering of the semantic core. This is a database of all the keywords that are necessary to promote the website, they are divided into sections and individual topics.
  3. Development of the structure of the resource. At this stage, the SEO-specialist makes the structure, taking into account that under each key group should be created a separate page that will correspond to it.
  4. Internal relinking. This process, provided that it is done correctly, makes it easier for search engines and ordinary users to "navigate" on the site and provides convenient and correct navigation.
  5. Content Optimization. Work on headings, meta tags, texts containing properly placed keywords and phrases.
  6. Improving the usability of the site. Work on user behavior indicators, such as page completion, bounce rate and user return.
  7. External optimization. Here we are talking about external link mass. In the eyes of the search engine, the more the site refers to other resources (especially authoritative), the more credibility this site causes, and therefore it should be increased in the output.
  8. Work with conversion. For this purpose, experts simplify the process of ordering goods, add additional ways of communication and in every possible way try to improve the experience of shopping on the site.

Is it possible to speed up the process of SEO-promotion of the site?

If you want to minimize the time it takes to get results, we recommend keeping the following in mind:

  • try to quickly agree on all technical edits that are sent to you by the SEO specialist;
  • approve texts written for the site as quickly as possible;
  • promptly provide feedback on the project.

Web studio in Kiev MEGASITE invites you to a free consultation on your project. Our experts will answer all questions regarding SEO-promotion, its terms, approximate cost.

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