Custom web development or ready-made solutions for online store

09 Mar 2023
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Custom web development or ready-made solutions for online store

CMS, SaaS-platform or website from scratch?

When there is a question of getting a business online, entrepreneurs are faced with a difficult choice: how exactly to create an online store? Because it turns out that there are many ways to do it. But there is no one right solution for everyone: you must make your own choices based on the company's budget, the specifics of your business, your goals and plans for the future.

Creating an online store based on open source CMS

CMS (Content Management System) - a software for content management, which is used to develop websites. For example, WordPress or Joomla. The development of online store with open CMS has a low price, but requires experience in the IT-sphere. The process is quite difficult, and usually requires the involvement of developers, and to prevent deficiencies competently written terms of reference.

To somehow expand the capabilities of the online store, use modules (extensions) - mini-programs that work in conjunction with your CMS and perform certain functions. For example, some models allow you to create a photo gallery or forums on the site, others - to protect against viruses or to optimize the store for search engines.

But when creating an online store using additional modules there may be many problems: bugs, limited number of payment integrations, standard search functions, poor quality filters, inability to make design corrections, etc.

Creating an online store based on a SaaS platform

If you are satisfied with a standard online store without individual approach, but are not satisfied with the limitations of open source CMS, take a closer look at the SaaS platform.

SaaS are software services for the development of web sites. More precisely, it is a model that involves paying for the use of the service. For example, the Ukrainian platform for creating branded online stores Shop-Express. Here you can create an online store in minutes, paying monthly or annually.

Online store based on SaaS may be an affordable solution for a startup with a limited budget for the development of the web site. This type of service is most popular among small and medium-sized businesses who want to quickly launch online sales.

SaaS platforms eliminate the disadvantages of open source CMS, giving the user more flexible options:

  • Design changes and customization without having to contact programmers.
  • Large catalog from 400 to 60 thousand items.
  • Adaptability for all types of mobile devices.
  • The multilinguality of the store.
  • A variety of payment systems.
  • Integration with different delivery companies.
  • Social Networks and Google Shopping.
  • And there is integration with Marketplaces.

Development of an online store on a SaaS platform

The main thing is that for all time of using the site you do not need to worry about the extension of hosting, updating of CMS and its security. On modern SaaS-systems you can also order the development of an online store on a turnkey basis with individual settings.

"When you order a website from a freelancer or web studio, any technical updates won't be quick or there won't be any at all. But we have all of our stores under control and if a client needs to technically update the store, we do it right away. Sometimes we correct things that the client himself did not notice. For example, if the api of Novaya Mail has changed, we make changes immediately to all the online stores so that the integration functions correctly. Therefore, working on the platform in bulk means that you receive feedback quickly and know that you will definitely get help with any issue" - Alla Petrichenko, co-founder of the Shop-Express platform.

Custom development of an online store from scratch

If your goal is to create a feature-rich and unique online store based on custom solutions, then it is best to turn to developers. The main advantage of custom web store development is that it matches your vision and business objectives.

Megasite team, which is one of the top 3 web studios in Ukraine, before starting the site development conducts a fundamental analysis of the market and goes deep into the customer's business. On the basis of this data the specialists generate a working strategy, taking into account the best solutions for your business.

Custom web store development has the following advantages over off-the-shelf solutions:

  1. Unique functionality according to the tasks and needs of the business.
  2. High speed thanks to optimized functionality.
  3. Exclusive design for brand identity.
  4. Unlimited scalability.

Developers bring to life any ideas of the customer, implement individual wishes in design or functionality. This online store can be scaled without limits! The main thing is to contact proven professionals, as the success of the entire project depends on their professionalism.


If you have a minimal budget, narrow specialization and not so many products, you can create a site based on a popular open source CMS. If you have a large assortment, the need for a quick start, integration with payment systems and further promotion of the online store - take a closer look at the SaaS platform.

But working in several market segments, constant scaling and the need for customized business solutions - this is a completely different dimension of the project. In this case, we recommend contacting the experts and developing an online store based on a custom design and functionality.

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