The Megasite is 13 years old

31 May 2023
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The Megasite is 13 years old

Hello, dear friends. Today we have a holiday, we celebrate the 13th anniversary of our company. 13 long years filled with various events, accomplishments and achievements, trials and tribulations. 2022 was a very difficult year for us, both for people working in the IT sector and for ordinary Ukrainians. During this really difficult year of war, our company has undergone major changes.

In February, the war caught us in our native Kherson. The first week was a shock, we were out of action for a bit, but literally only for 5 days. Then we made a decision that we had already made during Covid 2019: it was better to do something than to do nothing. We started to communicate with our existing clients, but 90% of the projects we had in progress were put on hold. We started looking for new clients through various channels with maximum effort, but it was not easy.

We worked remotely from Kherson for about a month, and then we started to recruit the team on our own. As everyone probably knows, there were no green corridors, everyone left at their own risk. They left as best they could - some by their own cars, some by carriers, some in small groups. Some team members went to different parts of Ukraine, some to Europe. Then we started having problems with electricity and the Internet, which really hampered our work, as some team members who were in the occupied territory were out of work for weeks.

One of our team members stayed in Kherson and worked from there until the city was liberated, and then he moved to Kyiv by evacuation train. 
During this period, some team members left the team for one reason or another, which also made adjustments to the company's work. It also forced us to change for the better, to find non-standard solutions in certain situations and to find new members of our dream team. 

We started looking for new channels to attract customers. First of all, we focused on Ukrainians who have their own business abroad, but it was not easy either. Reorientation to a new market was the number one task, because we realized that we needed to keep the company, the team, and continue our activities, and for this we needed new projects. We also began to look for and use new marketing tools to popularize the company, as we had a plan to enter the Western market. New markets dictate their own conditions, different mentality of people, different rules and laws of doing business. 

As time went on, our efforts gradually began to bear fruit, new clients appeared, we recruited new team members to help our company grow, and we increased our presence in new markets. Today, we are expanding, have opened an office in Europe, and are establishing relationships with Western colleagues. Our company has developed a development plan that includes mastering new web development technologies, providing new marketing services and developing mobile applications. We do not plan to stop there, our plans are as ambitious as ever and there is still a lot to come. 

We are very grateful to our clients who have been with us all this time for entrusting us with the development of their projects. Thanks to them, we continued to work this year and achieved new successes in development!
Also, many thanks to our team for making such cool projects and creating really necessary tools for business! The team is the most important component of any success and our team is proof of this.

More to come!)

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