Results of the competitionWeb Awards UA

12 Jun 2023
499 просмотров
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Results of the competitionWeb Awards UA

Hello, friends!
You can tell a lot about a company by its awards and achievements. Participation in competitions and ratings allows you to understand not only the strengths of your work, but also the areas in which you should develop and strengthen. 

Knowing these tools, we actively use them. The Web awards UA (WAU), an all-Ukrainian competition for the best websites and mobile applications, is one of the competitions we participate in. 

In 2023, we submitted 13 works, 12 of which won 13 prizes in various nominations.  The voting takes place in two stages, first a popular vote, and then a professional jury, and the winners are selected based on the results. 

Our winners!

Landing Page 
1st place - Alpha Nova - game and app developers.
Tourism and recreation 
3rd place - Imperatour, a travel company organizing tours to Italy.
Repair and maintenance
1st place - Dump to go, a company from the USA.
Industry and equipment 
1st place - Skyeton, a manufacturer of UAVs for a wide range of applications. 
Goods and trade
3rd place - Chinese Goods, an international export company.
Furniture and interior
2nd place - Aquamarket, a bathroom furniture and sanitary ware store.
Charitable organization 
2nd place - Min the art, charity project.
3rd place - Peaceful Ukraine, a charitable NFT project. 
1st place - Agrotek-Invest, distribution of agricultural machinery.
Internet IT
2nd place - Alphanova, game and application developers
3rd place - IT-Decision Telecom, corporate communication
Food and beverages 
2nd place - Gaderia, Farming.
3rd place - Salute Mix, ready-made salad mixes.

For us, such results of the competition are a recognition of our work, they make it clear that we are moving in the right direction. 
We would like to thank our entire team for their impeccable work and professionalism. We are moving and developing further. 
More to come...

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