Domain registration and hosting

25 Jan 2022
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Domain registration and hosting

The first computers began to be networked in the middle of the last century, and initially it was possible to own a domain name for free. Several decades passed, and in the late 90s, the Internet spread throughout the world. Since that moment, the domain registration service has been introduced and a decision has been made to transfer data to private individuals. The Internet Corporation (ICANN) was created to assign the name and IP addresses.

What is needed to place a Web resource on the Internet?

Modern man cannot do without the Internet. This is the main source of information and a proven tool for promoting a business. Anyone can order the creation of a website in Ukraine and declare themselves, ranging from a small entrepreneur to a large brand. In order for a Web resource to start working, and not just exist on a computer, a mandatory step in development is domain registration and hosting selection. This is necessary so that there is a place to host the site and users can use it. Domain and hosting cannot be purchased for permanent use. They are assigned for a certain period, after which the registration can be renewed in order to keep your site.

What is a domain?

Domino registration is an important stage in the development of a website in Ukraine. This is the assignment of the name that will be displayed in the address bar of the browser. It has a simple structure, must comply with certain rules and consist of at least two parts - a proper name and a domain zone. These are letters or numbers in a certain sequence, separated by a dot. A domain name can be registered to a company or individual. The rights to all passwords are transferred to the organization and, if necessary, can be changed at any time.How to choose a domain name for your website

Website visitors remember the address with a simple and beautiful name better, which helps to increase traffic. An important marketing technique, which is equated with advertising and promotion on the web, is the choice of a topic domain when a name is associated with a resource.

The process of registering a domain for a website is not complicated. Certain difficulties may arise with the selection of a name. There are many resources in the network, and any kind of activity will be repeated in an unlimited number. Appropriate names are often occupied, and an already registered name cannot be assigned.

This makes things a little more difficult, since you have to come up with a good domain. It should be concise, memorable, topical, easy to write and pronounce. Specialists of the Web Studio in Kyiv check all the options proposed by the customer so that during registration the domain name does not coincide with the name of someone else's trademark.

The right domain will help promote the project, attract more visitors and make the resource more popular. The domain name is also important for search engines. The location of the site in queries depends on the following factors:

  • the possibility of promotion increases when a site and a domain name are registered in the same region;
  • when using anchor links, it is convenient to specify a query in Latin;
  • domain registration price;
  • one of the important criteria for a search engine is the age of a domain.

Domain registration in Ukraine is carried out for a certain period of time from 1 to 10 years. For this period, you acquire the right to rent it, and at the end of each period, re-register in order to keep it for yourself. If the site is liquidated, the name may be assigned to another resource.

What is hosting for?

A site hosted on a personal computer will not be seen by other users. In order for it to be available to everyone around the clock and start working, hosting registration is required. As well as assigning a domain, this is a mandatory step in the development of a resource. Hosting - a place on the server where the site will be hosted. The service is paid, it is provided by hosting providers. The task of the company is to provide round-the-clock access to the site for users.

Choosing hosting for the site. How to choose the right hosting

When registering hosting, in addition to placing the site on the network, a place is provided for mail, databases, files. Dedicated servers process calls to the Web resource around the clock. The user can access the site at any time convenient for him, and the host will provide all the information upon request.

There are different types of hosting. They differ in memory capacity and capabilities. The choice of hosting depends on the type of site, since each requires resources in a different amount. When the server is unavailable or slow, the user will not stay on the site and will go to competitors.

Each type of hosting solves certain problems. The larger the project, the more network space it will need. If you make the wrong choice of hosting for the site, you can lose the Web resource.

There are five types of hosting in total, the most actively used are virtual and dedicated servers. Experts do not recommend the free option even for simple projects. It has lower performance and also does not guarantee technical support and data recovery in case of failure

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