Want to know if the business is successful? Check the return on sales. This is the indicator that determines the percentage of net income from total revenue after deducting all expenses, including taxes. If it is high, the prospects are good, and you need to develop further. When the figures do not please, it is worth reconsidering the organization of business processes or even think about the feasibility of continuing the project. What is profitability and how to increase it - we will tell you in detail in this article.
In simple words, thanks to this indicator, you can determine whether the company successfully manages its money. In addition, the profitability of the business helps to assess:
Whether money and other resources of the company are used efficiently;
Knowing what profitability is is also necessary for external audits. On its basis, investors evaluate the project and determine whether it is necessary to invest in it, and lenders provide a loan.
To get a calculation of the profitability of sales, you should perform the following actions:
If you need to determine the profitability of the service, the formula is a little different:
The investment has paid for itself, if the resulting amount is greater than zero. The higher the figures, the more successful the company.
The obtained data should be compared with the same period for the previous year to check the dynamics. This will help to take into account the influence of seasonality on trade (for example, profit from the sale of swimwear in summer and winter is different). If the calculation of profitability did not please, it is worth thinking about what goes wrong, and review the process of work.
It is useful to compare your profitability with the average in the industry. The necessary data can be found on monitoring sites - tatista (international data), Ukrstat (national statistics), National Bank (financial indicators) and Minfin (analytics).
Know what is the profitability of services and sales is important to develop an effective marketing strategy to interest the client. To do this, you can create excitement around the product, increase its value, offer related products. And of course, do not forget about the development of the company's website. It is the face of the firm, and a lot depends on whether customers will like it.
By tapping into a customer's emotions, you can provoke spontaneous purchases. Do it in different ways:
An interesting trick is to increase the price of the product, even if competitors offer it at a lower price. By doing so, you will demonstrate that your product is of better quality.
This indicator reflects how much a customer spends per visit to a store, cafe, beauty salon, etc. To make him buy not only what he came for, but also other products:
To expand the average check will help and wholesale prices. For example, offer a favorable price for a package of socks of 10 pieces, because of which the purchase of one pair will be unprofitable.
You should have in the assortment not only products that are in mass demand, but also their more expensive counterparts. When the buyer comes for the desired product, show not only it, but also an improved model with enhanced features.
The first thing a buyer does when he is interested in a certain product is to enter a query into a search engine. Therefore, if you want to effectively develop your business, you should pay special attention to the development of online store, for which we recommend you to contact the specialists of IT-company MEGASITE. The more people will visit your portal, the higher the probability of purchases.
Working on the site, it is necessary to take into account such points:
And of course, do not forget about tools that track user behavior. This will allow you to detect the problem in time and fix it. For example, if it turns out that many customers leave the site at the checkout stage, it may mean that for some reason they can not complete the transaction (the cart does not open or payment does not go through).
You can learn more about how to increase the profitability of sales of goods and services with the help of modern solutions from MEGASITE employees. Call our manager and he will answer all your questions!