How to get into Google recommendations: what is Google Discover?

Pavel Boychenko
Pavel Boychenko
08 Oct 2024
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How to get into Google recommendations: what is Google Discover?

Many people, when they open the Google app on their smartphone, notice the recommendations feed in the form of large blocks with pictures. They attract attention because they contain content that is really interesting, because the feed is formed based on the requests of a particular user. Therefore, the probability that a person will click on the article and follow the link is high. And if they like the content, they will come back more than once. This technology is called Google Discover. It helps you attract traffic to your website, and it does it absolutely free of charge.

In this article, we've detailed what this feature is and provided tips on how to get into these recommendations.

What is Google Discover?

Google Discover is a part of Google's search engine that tailors content based on the interests of the smartphone owner. It can be:

  • news from reputable sites;
  • topical posts;
  • content from sites that the user has viewed before;
  • educational articles;
  • YouTube videos;
  • photos;
  • other information that takes into account the location and interests of the smartphone owner.

The Google recommendations feed is only available on smartphones and tablets. News is located just below the Google search bar.

How Google Discover works

Google News' artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are used to tailor personalized recommendations. They analyze the following factors:

  • Smartphone and browser search history;
  • user behavior on websites and social networks;
  • what the device owner is interested in;
  • place of residence, etc.

Google News analyzes news from different sources, identifying the most important stories. It evaluates their quality, reliability, and if they meet its requests and interests of users, shows them in the Google recommendations feed.

To personalize news as much as possible, AI uses information about user behavior. Google Knowledge Graph is a huge database that stores information about entities (objects, people, places and events) and their relationships. Based on this data, the system predicts what content will be of interest to the user at a given moment.

AI also actively analyzes feedback. Thus, after viewing the feed, it can ask to evaluate the relevance and usefulness of the information. Constantly studying the responses of users, Google is improving its algorithms, and this allows you to find the most useful content.

Opportunities and features of Google Discovery

The advantages of Google Discovery are obvious:

  • the feed shows news, products, services based on queries and users' online behavior;
  • users can interact with the information, indicate whether it is suitable for them;
  • the system adapts to requests, which is especially important for highly specialized niches;
  • the content owner gets a guarantee that his advertisement will be seen by interested users, so the content must meet their expectations and requests;
  • the site gets free traffic from Google Discovery. And these are not random visitors, but people who are really interested in this advertising;
  • publication in the Google recommendations feed positively affects the brand image. Your site will be recognized, searched, recommended.

Google Discover brings customers to the site no less effectively than social networks or organic traffic. And businesses don't have to pay for advertising. The main thing is that the content meets the system's requests.

How to get into Google Discover?

There is no unambiguous answer to the question of how to attract the attention of Google Discover. It is accurately known that the content must meet the strict requirements of the system - be high-quality, reliable and necessary. It is also important to pay special attention to SEO promotion of the site - to carry out effective optimization to increase the probability of displaying content in Google Discover.

What is Google Discovery and how do I get there?

Optimize your publications for smartphones and tablets

Your content should display perfectly on mobile devices, pages should load quickly, and navigation should be easy. This is an important point, as the Google recommendations feed is only available on smartphones and tablets. It should be said that such adaptation is an important factor for successful ranking of content in any search engines and bringing it to the top.

Publish relevant content

Google gives preference to materials that correspond to the latest trends. And that's okay, because the more relevant the content, the higher the chances that it will be read. Also, don't forget about “timeless” topics that remain popular always, regardless of the time of publication. Such content has all chances to get to the top positions in the search results and to stay there for a long time.

Think through the headline

The title of the article should be clear and understandable, fully reflect the content of the publication. It will be located under the block and influence the decision to read the content. There should not be:

  • vague wording;
  • phrases aimed at attracting attention at any cost.

Form an informative text that accurately conveys the essence. Such headlines are credible, stimulate to click on the link.

Properly formulate meta tags

Meta tags help search engines understand what the material is about and show it to the right audience. Therefore, to increase the chances of your content showing up in the Discover feed, you should carefully craft your title and description. They not only affect the visibility of content by search engines, but also improve clickability if they accurately reflect the essence of the article and attract the attention of users.

Carefully select photo and video content

The photos that illustrate a post often determine whether a user will read the article. Large, bright and clear images attract attention and increase the chances that the material will be studied and approved.

Don't forget about video, which is always interesting to the user. Rollers should meet the following requirements:

  • be relevant;
  • qualitatively filmed and edited;
  • be accompanied by descriptions, meta tags, etc.

Interesting videos, Web Stories will not only make the material more interesting, but also increase the likelihood of being in the Google Discover feed. At the same time, it is important that the video was of high quality and did not slow down the loading of the site.

Constantly update your content

Regular publication of new and interesting materials will improve the visibility of the site in search engines, which will have a positive impact on getting into Google Discover. In addition, users who like your content will continue to visit the platform to read the news.

Frequent posting helps to increase traffic and build trust in your resource. Don't forget that quality and timely content that is relevant to your audience's interests not only attracts attention, but also increases your chances of being featured in the Discover feed.

Work on E-A-T

Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness are concepts that Google emphasizes when evaluating content. Therefore, to improve your chances of being featured in the Discover feed, a post must meet these principles:

  • expertise - text or video content must demonstrate that you have an excellent understanding of the topic. Therefore, it must contain detailed and accurate information that is supported by facts, research, or personal experience;
  • authority - when creating content, cite famous people, magazines, and other sources. This will increase the credibility of not only the publication but also the entire website/blog/youTube channel;
  • reliability - work on making your resource considered trustworthy. It is necessary not only to submit reliable information, but also clearly indicate contacts and other data that indicate the reliability of the site.

If you clearly adhere to the concept of E-A-T - will be able to convince Google in its reliability. This will greatly improve your chances of getting featured in the Google Discover feed.

Work on brand recognition

The more well-known a company is, the higher the chances of getting into the Google Knowledge Graph database. This means that it will be easier for AI to find information about your site, which increases the likelihood of being in the feed. And the greater the authority, the better the chances of getting a recommendation from Google.

Google Discovery Optimization by MEGASITE

To improve content visibility by optimizing your site for Google Discover, contact MEGASITE IT company. We have been developing websites for more than 10 years, and we know very well what it takes to get a resource noticed by search engines.

Experienced specialists of MEGASITE:

  • create high-quality, relevant content that will attract the attention of your audience and increase the likelihood of appearing in the Discover feed;
  • properly customize metadata;
  • adapt the site for mobile devices;
  • know how to track traffic from Discover via Search Console and improve optimization based on the data.

We will make your site stand out from the competition, providing a constant influx of new visitors and customers.

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