Next.JS framework: purpose and advantages

30 Sep 2024
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Next.JS framework: purpose and advantages

Next.JS framework is a software platform for creating web applications in JavaScript. It allows you to develop modern websites that open quickly and work well on both computers and smartphones.

What is Next.JS?

The framework for creating web applications is based on the React library and makes it easy to work with the following components:

  • page rendering - converting web page code into a finished visual display that the user sees in the browser;
  • routing - transitions between pages;
  • SEO - optimization work aimed at raising the site's position in search engine results.

Thanks to Next.JS, most of the operations that are usually performed on the browser side take place not on the device, but on an external server. Therefore, developing web applications with the framework reduces the load on the gadget. The user enters the site, sees an already ready (rendered) HTML page, which opens quickly and does not slow down the system.

Rapid loading improves the resource rating of search engines, which means that it has a good effect on SEO. In addition, thanks to the framework, you can edit the tag, which cannot be done directly in React. Given that the tag is part of the page metadata, the ability to work with it and make the necessary changes also improves the site's ranking.

Main features and advantages of Next.JS framework

Fast site loading and improved SEO are not the only advantages of Next.JS, which makes it convenient for both developers and users.

Flexible rendering

Depending on the content of the page, the developer can choose a convenient rendering method:

  • SSG (static rendering) for static pages that have been pre-created and stored on the server as a ready-made HTML file. Thanks to the framework, they are displayed in the browser unchanged each time they are requested, without having to re-create or update the content on the server;
  • SSR (server-side rendering) for pages with dynamic data that changes in real time based on user requests or external circumstances. SSR creates such pages directly on the server with each request, after which the finished rendering is sent to the user's browser.

The advantages of the Next.JS framework is that it can be used for interactive components, when updating of some parts of pages is performed directly in the browser - CSR (Client-Side Rendering). In this case, SSG and CSR are usually combined, when the HTML framework of the page is sent from the north to the browser. Further on the client side elements are loaded as needed.

Routing and API

Next.JS has a built-in file-structure based routing system. Each file that is in the “pages” folder automatically becomes a separate route (router). This makes it very easy to create and manage pages.

The framework makes it possible to create APIs right inside the application. This facilitates backend development for simple sites, as no separate server is needed.

Improved optimization

Next.JS automatically optimizes images, dynamic module loading and other resources to improve performance. This reduces the developer's workload, as it doesn't have to be done manually.

In addition, development on Next.JS allows you to create high-quality HTML code, which will allow search engines to analyze and index the site faster. As a result, it is more quickly promoted to higher positions in the search results.

Convenient work with static pages

Next.JS offers various tools for generating static pages at the project build stage. Thanks to this, even if the site has a large influx of users, it will work quickly, with high performance. This is especially important for resources where there is a lot of content, but it rarely changes - catalogs, sites with different documents, etc.

Advantages and purpose of the Next.JS framework


If the business grows, the framework allows you to scale your web application by adding new sections, features. Thanks to development on Next.JS, you can use different strategies, including:

  • horizontal scaling, which runs multiple servers with copies of the application, distributing the load between them. This improves performance and allows you to serve more users at the same time;
  • CDN - provides the ability to cache and send static files (images, styles) from servers that are as close to users as possible. This speeds up page loads and improves scalability, especially in global sizes;
  • ISR - generates and updates only those pages that have changed, preserving overall performance, which is useful for scaling.

Thus, thanks to Next.JS the site performance remains stable and fast, even if the load on the site has increased significantly.

Large selection of features and tools

Next.JS for creating a website is also convenient because it offers developers a large number of built-in functions that do not need to be additionally installed. This saves time and development costs, as there is no need to search for suitable offers from other platforms and integrate them.

If you can't do without third-party solutions, the functionality can be easily extended. The framework for creating web applications interacts with different tools (Redux, GraphQL, Contentful). This makes it flexible and convenient, especially if you need to develop a complex web application.

Of course, other frameworks also provide this possibility, but Next.JS for creating e-commerce platforms makes the integration process fast, simple and seamless. At the same time, the site is not overloaded and its performance remains high.

TypeScript support

Next.JS technology supports the TypeScript programming language, which allows you to create large and complex web applications where static typing and code security are important, as it reduces the number of errors. What it is convenient for users:

  • the framework automatically customizes the way TypeScript works;
  • TypeScript can be used to detect errors at the compilation stage, which makes the code more reliable and reduces bugs at the finish line;
  • Next.JS supports all major libraries and tools from the JavaScript ecosystem, including React. This allows you to use TypeScript to develop components, API roots, and application logic.

If a project is already created in JavaScript, the developer can gradually introduce TypeScript, as Next.JS for building a website supports both languages. This allows for a smooth transition to TypeScript without interrupting the main work.

Automatic code separation

This is one of the key features of the framework that helps in improving the performance of websites. Next.JS technology allows you to break code into small parts (modules) that are loaded only when needed. This helps to significantly reduce page load times, which has a positive impact on user experience.

What is Next.JS used to develop?

The framework is used to work on sites with extensive functionality and a large number of interactive elements. With its help you can create:

  • multi-page corporate portals;
  • media portals, blogs;
  • online stores and large eCommerce platforms;
  • single-page applications (SPA);
  • sites with user interfaces and personal offices;
  • resources with high SEO requirements that are critical to business success - lendings, product pages, blog posts;
  • multifunctional platforms - educational websites, online booking services, etc.

Although Next.JS is not directly used to develop applications for smartphones, it is used to make mobile versions of websites. Progressive web applications (PWA) are especially good at making them work on smartphones like full-fledged programs - they are available offline, send push notifications, and allow you to download a shortcut to your desktop for quick access.

Web application development on Next.JS from MEGASITE

MEGASITE IT specialists use Next.JS framework to create high-performance and reliable web applications. We are aware of all its features and nuances, so we offer thoughtful modern solutions that will make your project fast, stable and user-friendly.

Contact our manager to order website creation, discuss the details of the service and find out how Next.JS will help you achieve your goals!

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